Submitted on 06/30/2019

DCR scholar Yassir AlMasoudi attended the 41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference 2019 in Rome. He presented his paper on “Multilevel Model of Business Model Innovation, Industry Informality, and Sales Performance in Developing Countries.” co-authored by DCR-Alumni Sadrac Cenophat in the "Emerging Market" session. Yassir received one comment on the data and explained that the data were past-oriented and collected by the world bank. 

Yassir attended different other sessions that are relevant to his working paper, such as emerging markets and channel innovations, but also dived into mobile marketing, social influence, cognition, culture, competition, among others.

In addition to networking and sharing research interests with fellow researchers, Yassir was impressed by the different research methods and sophisticated models that researchers employed when they presented their working papers, such as game theory, metanalysis, experiments, and ethnographic studies.