Submitted on 07/17/2019


DCR doctoral student Sarah Stanske published her first academic article in the internationally renowned journal Strategic Organization (VHB: B). The co-authored piece by Sarah Stanske, Madeleine Rauch, and Anna Canato investigates the importance of organizational anti-identity (who are we not as an organization) for strategy making. In doing so, they argue that an anti-identity provides organizations more wiggle room for their strategy making when compared to the concept of organizational identity (who are we as an organization) which is often associated to the ex-ante exclusion of specific strategic options. 

The authors would like to thank the Dieter-Schwarz Foundation for the generous financial support, which helped to realize this research endeavor. Moreover, the authors would like to thank Ann Langley for her exceptional support as journal editor. Finally the authors like also to thank Ileana Stigliani and Kevin Corley for insightful comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. 

The article can be accessed via the following link: