Prof. Dr. Eugen Bogodistov
Full Professor at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®, Innsbruck, Austria
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Research Interests
- Information Systems (e.g., Process Management, Process Innovation, Payments)
- Strategic Management (e.g., Dynamic (Managerial) Capabilities, IT Capability, Managerial Decision-Making))
- Organisational Behaviour (e.g., Burnout, Emotions in Organisations, Relational Models)
Prof. Dr. Eugen Bogodistov: Career Overview
2016 - 2020
Postdoctoral Research Associate / Lecturer - Research in the fields of Strategic Management, Organisational Behaviour, and Information Systems - Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
2014 - 2016
Postdoctoral Research Associate - Research in the fields of Strategic Management and Risk Management - Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
2009 - 2011
Project Coordinator - Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Ukraine
2005 - 2008
Career form a Leading Economist to a Chief Operating Officer - BrokBusinessCentre ltd
Positions in Professional / Academic Societies
2018 - present
member - Association for Information Systems
2012 - present
member - European Group of Organisational Studies
2012 - present
member - EMONET - Emotions Network
2011 - present
member - Academy of Management
Editorial Board Service
2015 - present
European Journal of Management Issues, Deputy Chairman of the Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Eugen Bogodistov: Education
2011 - 2015
Strategic Management - European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) (Dr. rer. pol.)
2002 - 2005
European Studies - European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) (Master of European Studies)
2001 - 2002
International Business Relations - National University Dnipro, Ukraine (Master)
1998 - 2001
International Relations - National University Dnipro, Ukraine (Bachelor)
Further Education and Training
- Application for the EU research financing - Deutscher Hochschulverband (Participation certificate)
- Cognitive Fundamentals of Learning - University of Ulm (Certificate)
Prof. Dr. Eugen Bogodistov: Awards
European Journal of Management Issues
Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing
Academy of Management, TIM Division
Best Reviewer Award
Academy of Management, TIM Division
Best Reviewer Award
Academy of Management, STR Division
Outstanding Reviewer Award
Academy of Management, TIM Division
Best Reviewer Award
Americas Conference on Information Systems, OSRA Track
Track Best Paper Award
Academy of Management, STR Division
Outstanding Reviewer Award
Academy of Management, TIM Division
Best Reviewer Award
Academy of Management, STR Division
Outstanding Reviewer Award
Prof. Dr. Eugen Bogodistov: Publications
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles / Papers
- Lyon, J. Y., Bogodistov, Y., & Moormann, J. (2021). AI-driven Optimization in Healthcare: the Diagnostic Process. European Journal of Management Issues, 29(4), 218-231. Retrieved from
- Bogodistov, Y., Moormann, J., Sibbel, R., Krupskyi, O.P. and Hromtseva, O. (2021), "Process maturity and patient orientation in times of a health system reform", Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 258-272.
- Bogodistov, Y., Moormann, J., Sibbel, R., Krupskyi, O., von Hanstein, M., & Grytsenko, S. (2020). Bedeutung des Prozessreifegrads für die Patientenorientierung im Gesundheitswesen. Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement, 25(1), 37-42.
- Bogodistov, Y., Reck, F. M., Moormann, J., & Krupskyi, O. P. (2020). Wandel im Gesundheitswesen: Analyse der Auswirkungen auf Ärzte und Patienten am Beispiel der Ukraine. Das Gesundheitswesen, 82(3), 236-241.
- Bogodistov, Y., & Moormann, J. (2019). Cash means control. European Journal of Management Issues, 27(3-4), 55-62.
- Moormann, J., & Bogodistov, Y. (2019a). Lean Six Sigma: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung in der Finanzbranche. Banking and Information Technology, 20(1), 55-65.
- Moormann, J., & Bogodistov, Y. (2019b). Process innovation in Information Systems research: A missing exploration. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 9(4), 258-266.
- Bogodistov, Y., Botts, M., & Schlatterer, F. (2019). Values congruence in multicultural groups: the causal mapping method. Journal for Multicultural Education, 13(1), 33-50.
- Shuradze, G., Bogodistov, Y., & Wagner, H.-T. (2018). The Role of Marketing-Enabled Data Analytics Capability and Organizational Agility for Innovation: Empirical Evidence from German Firms. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 22(4), 1850037.
- Bogodistov, Y., & Wohlgemuth, V. (2017). Enterprise risk management: A capability-based perspective. Journal of Risk Finance, 18(3), 234-251.
- Bogodistov, Y., Presse, A., Krupskyi, O., & Sardak, S. (2017). Gendering dynamic capabilities in micro firms. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 57(3), 273-282.
- Bogodistov, Y., & Dost, F. (2017). Proximity Begins with a Smile, But Which One? Associating Non-Duchenne Smiles with Higher Psychological Distance. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1374.
- Bogodistov, Y., & Lizneva, A. (2017). Ideological shift and employees' relationships: Evidence from Ukraine. Baltic Journal of Management, 12(1), 25-45.
- Falkiewicz, S., Wohlgemuth, V., & Bogodistov, Y. (2016). Entrepreneurship: society and resource management. A review of current scientific trends. European Journal of Management Issues, 24(6), 3-14.
Non-Peer Reviewed Articles / Papers
- Bogodistov, Y., Moormann, J., & Beimborn, D. (2019). Künstliche Intelligenz: Es wird viel gesprochen, aber wenig getan. Technical report. Geldinstitute, 50(1), 36-37.
- Moormann, J., & Bogodistov, Y. (2019) Operational Excellence: Lean Six Sigma in Banken. Risiko Manager, 01, 8-12.
- Moormann, J., & Bogodistov, Y. (2018). Lean Six Sigma in Banken. Die Bank, 117, 6, 30-34
- Moormann, J., Bogodistov, Y., & Herberg, D. A. (2018). Operational Excellence: Lean Six Sigma in der Assekuranz. Entscheidend ist die Entwicklung einer Lean-Six-Sigma-Fähigkeit. Zeitschrift Für Versicherungswesen, 09, 285-289.
Research Monographs
- Bogodistov, Y. (2015). Psychological microfoundations and activation of dynamic managerial capabilities: Influence of affective states on managerial behavior [Europa-Universität Viadrina].
Chapters in Books
- Bogodistov, Y., Botts, M. M. and Dinter, M. (2021) ‘Learning from Home: Can we Learn better from Stories than from Textbooks?', in Batuk, S. and Torgalöz, A. Ö. (eds) Remote and Hybrid Working: Variants, Determinants, Outcomes. Berlin, Germany: Peter Lang, pp. 187-210.
- Wenzel, M., Madeleine Rauch, Abiodun Adegbile, Yevgen Bogodistov, Sadrac Cénophat, Michael Hartmann, David Wagner, and Veit Wohlgemuth. 2021. "Dynamic Capabilities: Celebrating the Plurality of Understandings of the Concept." In Dynamic Capabilities and Relationships: Discourses, Concepts, and Reflections, edited by Bayón, T., Eisend, M., Koch, J., Söllner, A., Vodosek, M., & Wagner, H.-T., 5-41. Stuttgart: Springer.
Peer Reviewed Proceedings
- Bogodistov, Y. & Moormann, J. (2020) "Understanding microfoundations of IT capability using anthropologic heuristics" (2020). AMCIS 2020 Proceedings. 5.
- Bogodistov, Yevgen and Moormann, Jürgen, "The Role of Information Systems for Firm-wide Heuristics Development" (2020). ECIS 2020 Research-in-Progress Papers. 31.
- Bogodistov, Y., & Ostern, N. K. (2019). Digitization at Any Cost? Willingness to Trade Efficiency for Organizational, Human, and Relational Costs. AMCIS 2019 Proceedings.
- Bogodistov, Y., Moormann, J., & Sibbel, R. (2019). From Openness to Change to Patients' Satisfaction: A Business Process Management Approach. Business Process Management Forum, 195-210.
- Bogodistov, Y., & Moormann, J. (2019). Influence of Emotions on IT-driven Payment Process Design: Shorter, Simpler, and Riskier. ICIS 2019 Proceedings.
- Bogodistov, Y., Moormann, J., & Sibbel, R. (2018). Beyond Health Care Reform: How Process Management Can Alter Patients' Experience. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018, 12544.
- Bogodistov, Y., & Botts, M. (2016). Dynamic Capabilities in Wartime: Where "Competitive Advantage" Equals "Lives." Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016, 11423
- Bogodistov, Y. (2013). Multilevel model of dynamic capabilities. Presented at the Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management EURAM, Istanbul.
Prof. Dr. Eugen Bogodistov: Research
2021 - present
Impact of discrete emotions on excessive trading - Impact of discrete emotions on excessive trading - MCI / University of Sydney
2021 - present
Ethical decision making in turbulent times: Heuristics of physicians during COVID-19 pandemics - Ethical decision making in turbulent times: Heuristics of physicians during COVID-19 pandemics - MCI / University of Bamberg
2021 - present
Using storytelling for strategic management education - Using storytelling for strategic management education - MCI
2020 - present
Psychological Mechanisms for Means of Payment - Psychological Mechanisms for Means of Payment - MCI / Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
2018 - present
Social Costs of Digitization - Social Costs of Digitization - MCI / Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
2016 - present
Process management and process innovation in health care - Process management and process innovation in health care - MCI